I stopped by
Olympic Cards and Comics in
Lacey, Washington on
Free Comic Book Day last Saturday to see if I could track down
Eric Trautmann, author of a moving graphic novel called
Shooters, co-written by
Brandon Jerwa and illustrated by
Steve Lieber. It's about a soldier who comes back from the war completely unable to find his place in the world. I recently learned that the book had won a
Prism Award for an accurate depiction of mental health issues. Truly well deserved. This is one of those stories that I revisit again and again in my mind.
I sauntered into the store on Saturday at 10:15 and was greeted by probably the most epic FCBD I have ever seen. Running into Eric within a minute of entering the place was a minor miracle!
The truth is, I was on a mission. I had been so moved by the book and inspired by the drawings, that I had to create some fan art of the book. I scanned, printed, cut-up, glued and reassembled many of the pages to display them in pop-up, 3D format. I would say pop-up card, but it's not the kind of thing you would send for a birthday or Hallmark holiday. My focus now for my pop-ups is to make them more of a piece that you can set up and display, but easily fold away.
Prototype of the mountain scene |
The first one I created captures the scene where the main character Terry Glass contemplates heroism from his wheelchair. I loved the way that
Steve Lieber presented the scale of the different elements of the scene. The mountain is large, but the statue upstages it, while Glass and his buddy are very small (actually smaller in the original drawing since I stole the wheelchair picture from another page). I worked a Dr. Frankenstein on these images, so this is really a composite of Lieber's work. I admittedly am self-conscious about cutting up other artists' works, but it is all in humble admiration of their craft.
Yours is the only citation being awarded, son. |
The second piece is a combination of a few pages, but I wanted to capture all the feelings in one place. The father's regret, the horror of the battle scene, and the funeral scene in which it is obvious that his fallen comrades will not be recognized for what they have done. In fact, their deaths will be swept under the rug.
I'm happy to say that I did get to meet Eric that day and share my pop-up cards with him and express my admiration for his work. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my copy of Shooters to be signed! I was also way too early to meet Brandon Jerwa. I'm sure I'll track those guys down again sometime. I'll definitely make another field trip up to Lacey to check out the store. Maybe on a day that's not quite as nutty as Free Comic Book Day.